Tuesday, July 11, 2006

French People Suck!

It’s no secret that most people can’t stand the French, myself included. Sure, I can appreciate a nice French meal, French Art and the beautiful architecture and scenery in France, but the people- can’t stand! I’ve been to France twice and was never impressed by the people; for the most part most of the French are assholes. I think the incident during the finals shows that the French officially SUCK! I’m not sure if my readers watched the world cup, but if so you know that I am referring to the incident where Zidane, the French asshole ran like a charging bull and head butted the Italian player, Materazzi, in the chest. I mean who does that?? There were over 1 billion people watching this game and that is how Zidane will always be remembered in the last game before retirement-classy. Maybe Zidane and Marc Cuban should sit down for drinks together since they are both a bunch of assholes. This just goes to show why most people can’t stand the French, way to show the world how the French have such great sportmanship! I am so glad that Italy won.


Anonymous said...


I agree! What a declase end a spectacular career!


SLynnRo said...

Don't forget the French manicure and
pommes frites.