Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Meatball Will Be 4 Months Old On Tuesday!!!

Can you believe that the meatball is going to be 4 months old on Tuesday- I can't!!!! The time flies by-FAST. I mean look at the pictures above- he looks like a completely different baby from when he was first born. I remember when I first brought him home how scared and nervous I was to take care of a baby- I mean I was responsible for this little being- that is a pretty scary thing!!! And now it is like okay, I can do this, I can do this with more than one meatball- just not yet!!! The husband and my mom say they are both ready for another meatball but I say if they want to carry him for me for 9 months okay, otherwise my body still needs a break :) We will discuss the issue again in a few months. I mean afterall, I need to spend some time just me and the meatball before we introduce another meatball into the clan.

So the meatball is growing up. He is already 26 inches long (he was 21 inches at birth) and he weighs 14.2 pounds (he weighed 8.9 at birth)- wow, pretty soon he is going to be walking and talking. I remember when he was just a few weeks old and he really didn't do anything, he couldn't even hold his head up and now he holds it up like its nobodies business. In about 2 months he will probably be sitting up on his own and then soon after that be crawling everywhere and he will want to be independent so I need to take advantage of this precious time we have together now and just hold him and love on him all day long- not a bad gig if I do say so myself :)

So I just wanted to fill everyone in on the meatball. Until next time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The little meatball has changed so much in four months! Griffin has added so much to our family in such a short amount of time! I miss him!
