Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Push It Good
So, I figured I would fill those of you in that have never given birth before and those of you that have a nice reminder of everything. First, on Friday morning I woke up with what seemed to be a case of the cramps, it had been so long since I have had cramps that I forgot how bad it hurt. But nevertheless I went on that morning as usual. A few hours later my so called "cramps" came back, these "cramps" came back about every 8 minutes apart. It seems that around 10 am I had begun to get some contractions. Around noon I went to my Doctors office expecting her to tell me that from there I would be able to go to the hospital- nope, she sent me home and told me it would be several hours before I needed to go to the hospital. So we came back home and the contractions came even harder. This had to have been the worst pain in my life, way worse than kidney stones and even worse than the pain I felt when 90210 was cancelled. All I could think about was that I was going to pass something pretty big down below that night and it was freaking me out! Anyway, back to my hellish contractions. So I lay curled up in a ball with contractions coming and going about 4 minute apart now and strong as hell; this baby was ready to come out! And remember this whole time my dad and Jason are downstairs while my mom is trying to calm me down. So around 3pm we leave for the hospital which is normally a 25 minute drive-not today! So we get in the car and as we are about to get on the freeway we see that the freeway is a parking lot, probably b/c it was 3 in the afternoon at the start of Memorial weekend and everyone was heading to the Cape, so basically we were screwed. Keep in mind my father was sitting in the front seat with Jason while my mom had me stretched out in the back seat and about this time the contractions were coming every 3 minutes apart. For those of you that know my father, you can imagine how calm and relaxed he was at this point as we sit on a back road somewhere while I lay screaming my head off. So my husband decides to take the back roads from our town to downtown Boston, oh yeah- did I happen to mention that the red sox were also playing the same night! For those of you that don't know- the whole city shuts down to watch the freaking game and the stadium just happens to be literally right next door to the hospital. So here I am, contractions about 2-3 minutes apart and we are taking the back roads of Massachusetts to get to the hospital and the whole way there my dad is questioning Jason's driving-a very fun car ride to the hospital. So by the time we finally did arrive at the hospital- one hour later- my contractions were 2 minutes apart, and then they have you sit while you are contracting at 2 minutes apart to fill out paperwork! So this whole time I am experiencing the worst pain I have ever felt in my life and I was going to deliver a baby about 3 hours later. At 5pm, I got the epidural and it made my whole life wonderful again. For those of you that have never been pregnant and are thinking about an epidural, you would be crazy not to take it! Once I got those drugs in me, I was a whole new woman. So then around 7pm, I felt this pressure on my rectum, yep my bum, and then the nurse said yep you are ready to push out this baby. There is no nice way to put it, but once you get that rectal pressure and go from labor to delivery it feels like you are trying to push out the biggest shit you have ever had to take in your life ( and remember my shit felt like 8 lbs. 9 ounces)! And to top it off you have like 6 people in there staring at you down below, to see your ass and everything exposed as you push your little heart away to try and get that baby out, which the whole time feels like you are pushing out a HUGE poop! Lucky for me, delivery only lasted 45 minutes which is considered prety short. So when it was all said and done you may ask- was it worth it? OF COURSE, IT WAS THE SINGLE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE (above is the picture of Griffin after he was born) AND I WOULD DO IT ONE MILLION TIMES OVER.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Baby Post Has Arrived!!!!!
Baby Post has finally arrived. Griffin Cooper Post came into the world Friday, May 26, 2006 at 8:03pm. The heavy weight champ weighed in at a whopping 8.9 pounds and 20.5 inches long. I told you all he was shaq's baby. This is a picture of me holding the babe right after labor. Be on the lookout for more pics to come!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
5 Days Late.....
Hello again :0) Well, today was the big doctor appointment and everything looks good. The good news is my cervix has dilated to almost 3 centimeters and the baby is ready to go. So we have decided that if he hasn't arrived by this Monday morning then we are going to induce labor at 8:00 am, Monday morning. So maybe he will come before then but if not we know Monday is the day! I will keep you posted!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
4 Days and Counting
For those of you that care, we are still waiting for baby Post. I have an appointment tomorrow so I will fill my 3 friends in with any new news.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Why I Hate Marc Cuban
Yes, that's right I lived in Dallas and I can't stand Marc Cuban. I think he is an arrogant pompous asshole . One would think that with the amount of money he has and with his social status he wouldn't be such a piece of trash, well guess again. Below are some of the reasons why I can't stand Marc Cuban!
1. He has no class-The NBA fined Mavericks owner Mark Cuban $200,000 for going onto the court after Game 1 of Dallas' series against the Spurs and criticizing league officials on his blog.
Cuban was fined $100,000 for going onto the court and another $100,000 for being critical of the league regarding the selection of playoff officials, and how to improve playoff officiating on I mean, seriously Marc, have a little class.
2. Still has no class- Cuban was also punished eight times for more than $1 million and suspended from three games in his first two years after buying the Mavericks in 2000.
He was quick to publicize each one -- especially a $500,000 penalty for saying he wouldn't hire the NBA's head of officials "to manage a Dairy Queen". This man really knows just the right things to say..
3. He is an asshole- And what about his nice words about San Antonio??? See below:
"When I got the chance to return volley the other night during an ESPN radio interview, I certainly and happily did. The Riverwalk river is nasty. I know it. Everyone who lives in San Antonio knows it. I said it. I just know that on crowded nights, everyone who walks that thing is afraid to death that some drunk is going to stumble by and knock them into the water. Its that nasty. I mean come on folks. They can clean up lake erie, but not the riverwalk ?? Fighting words , right ?"
This guy is so stupid the thought of him makes me want to hurl! When I watch him on the TV at the games when he stands up and makes those hideous faces while his team his playing, my god, I think to myself how can any woman want to have sex with this ugly little man!!! I can't stand him and I really hope that the Phoenix Suns can kick the Mavericks' ass just so I can see Marc Cuban whine like the little girl that he is! Anyway, I can't stnad Marc Cuban and had nothing else to write about it so I Hope you enjoyed :)
1. He has no class-The NBA fined Mavericks owner Mark Cuban $200,000 for going onto the court after Game 1 of Dallas' series against the Spurs and criticizing league officials on his blog.
Cuban was fined $100,000 for going onto the court and another $100,000 for being critical of the league regarding the selection of playoff officials, and how to improve playoff officiating on I mean, seriously Marc, have a little class.
2. Still has no class- Cuban was also punished eight times for more than $1 million and suspended from three games in his first two years after buying the Mavericks in 2000.
He was quick to publicize each one -- especially a $500,000 penalty for saying he wouldn't hire the NBA's head of officials "to manage a Dairy Queen". This man really knows just the right things to say..
3. He is an asshole- And what about his nice words about San Antonio??? See below:
"When I got the chance to return volley the other night during an ESPN radio interview, I certainly and happily did. The Riverwalk river is nasty. I know it. Everyone who lives in San Antonio knows it. I said it. I just know that on crowded nights, everyone who walks that thing is afraid to death that some drunk is going to stumble by and knock them into the water. Its that nasty. I mean come on folks. They can clean up lake erie, but not the riverwalk ?? Fighting words , right ?"
This guy is so stupid the thought of him makes me want to hurl! When I watch him on the TV at the games when he stands up and makes those hideous faces while his team his playing, my god, I think to myself how can any woman want to have sex with this ugly little man!!! I can't stand him and I really hope that the Phoenix Suns can kick the Mavericks' ass just so I can see Marc Cuban whine like the little girl that he is! Anyway, I can't stnad Marc Cuban and had nothing else to write about it so I Hope you enjoyed :)
3 Days Late
Hello, to the 3 loyal readers that I have. Well, today marks day number 3 past my due date and still nothing. I have eaten all the spicey food I can eat and I have been walking a lot as well, but this kid doesn't want to come out. I hope my three readers are keeping their fingers crossed and saying a prayer that this bugger comes out sooner than later!!! If anything happens I will let you know. Until next time........
Monday, May 22, 2006
Still Waiting and Waiting and Waiting.....
Hi. Well, it seems that this baby just doesn't want to come out. It is now Monday the 22, 2006 and he is 2 days late!!! This guy is as stubborn as I am. I don't have any intuitions or signs that he is coming any time soon, so everyone (the 3 of you that actually read this) please keep your fingers crossed that he comes sooner than later. I am thinking that he will make his grand entrance sometime this week, but what do I know; I also thought that he was going to come last week on my birthday or mother's day for a nice surprise. So, that about wraps it up for any baby Post news. Hope everyone is well and will let you know should something happen.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Still Waiting..........
Well, yesterday was my due date and still no baby Post. Hopefully this week, so keep your fingers crossed. Talk to you all soon.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Another Baby Post Update......
Well, today I had another doctor appointment and not too much to report. The peanut's head or shall I say Shaq's baby's head has moved and is pushing further on my cervix than last week so they say that is good since he is ready and into position, now putting more pressure on my bladder than ever :). My due date is this Saturday but we will most likely pass this date without any baby news. I go back to the doctor again next Thursday, that is if Shaq's baby isn't born yet, and then we will set a day and time as to when we will induce and get him out. But his heartbeat is good, and everything seems to be falling in place, so it is still basically up to him as to when he wants to come out and say hi. If anything else happens I will be sure to report it to everyone.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hello, Goodbye
I don't know about you, but personally I'm glad this marriage is over, I never really cared much for her:
Apparently, Heather Mills won't be needing or feeding Paul McCartney when he's 64. The 63-year-old ex-Beatle and the 38-year-old model-turned-activist have announced their plans to separate after four years of marriage. The twosome attributed the rift to the challenge of living life in the spotlight.
"Having tried exceptionally hard to make our relationship work given the daily pressures surrounding us, it is with sadness that we have decided to go our separate ways," the couple said in a statement.
"Our parting is amicable and both of us still care about each other very much." Mills and McCartney are the parents of two-year-old Beatrice, for whose sake they said they hoped they would "be given some space and time to get through this difficult period."
The couple first met in 1999 at an event for Mills' charity, the Heather Mills Health Trust, which she launched in 1993 after losing a leg in a motorcycle accident. They wed in a lavish ceremony in 2002, four years after the death of McCartney's first wife, Linda from breast cancer.
Their union was surrounded by controversy from the start, with rumors abounding that Sir Paul's kids were no fans of their new stepmother. Mills was also frequently panned in the press for allegedly influencing her husband on everything from dying his hair and undergoing plastic surgery to the dismissal of his longtime business manager, Geoff Brown.
In 2004, McCartney came to his wife's defense following one particularly damaging article. In a letter which Mills posted on her official Website (which was unavailable on Wednesday), he wrote:
"Although some of these articles can be funny, there are others that are plain malicious and you need to be strong not to be hurt by some of the cruel suggestions that flow from these peoples' pens."
In happier days, McCartney and Mills campaigned together on causes such as protesting the seal hunt in the Canadian Maritimes.
As a testament to their faith that their relationship would last, the couple is believed to have no prenuptial agreement in place, meaning Mills could be entitled to a hefty chunk of McCartney's estimated $1.5 billion fortune.
Mills told Vanity Fair in 2002 that she had offered to sign a prenup, but that McCartney had refused.
"I wanted to prove that I love him for him," she told the magazine. "He said, 'I wouldn't let you.'"
Love may be all you need, but in this case, Macca could probably use a good divorce lawyer.
Apparently, Heather Mills won't be needing or feeding Paul McCartney when he's 64. The 63-year-old ex-Beatle and the 38-year-old model-turned-activist have announced their plans to separate after four years of marriage. The twosome attributed the rift to the challenge of living life in the spotlight.
"Having tried exceptionally hard to make our relationship work given the daily pressures surrounding us, it is with sadness that we have decided to go our separate ways," the couple said in a statement.
"Our parting is amicable and both of us still care about each other very much." Mills and McCartney are the parents of two-year-old Beatrice, for whose sake they said they hoped they would "be given some space and time to get through this difficult period."
The couple first met in 1999 at an event for Mills' charity, the Heather Mills Health Trust, which she launched in 1993 after losing a leg in a motorcycle accident. They wed in a lavish ceremony in 2002, four years after the death of McCartney's first wife, Linda from breast cancer.
Their union was surrounded by controversy from the start, with rumors abounding that Sir Paul's kids were no fans of their new stepmother. Mills was also frequently panned in the press for allegedly influencing her husband on everything from dying his hair and undergoing plastic surgery to the dismissal of his longtime business manager, Geoff Brown.
In 2004, McCartney came to his wife's defense following one particularly damaging article. In a letter which Mills posted on her official Website (which was unavailable on Wednesday), he wrote:
"Although some of these articles can be funny, there are others that are plain malicious and you need to be strong not to be hurt by some of the cruel suggestions that flow from these peoples' pens."
In happier days, McCartney and Mills campaigned together on causes such as protesting the seal hunt in the Canadian Maritimes.
As a testament to their faith that their relationship would last, the couple is believed to have no prenuptial agreement in place, meaning Mills could be entitled to a hefty chunk of McCartney's estimated $1.5 billion fortune.
Mills told Vanity Fair in 2002 that she had offered to sign a prenup, but that McCartney had refused.
"I wanted to prove that I love him for him," she told the magazine. "He said, 'I wouldn't let you.'"
Love may be all you need, but in this case, Macca could probably use a good divorce lawyer.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The "Star" Is About To Burn Out
Okay so I could write about an important issue such as border control, the flooding here in New England, or the villagers that won't leave the volcano-but that's no fun so I decided to write about one of the people that I love to hate-STAR JONES REYNOLDS. Yes, there is a long list of people that I love to hate- Jason Kidd, Jessica Simpson, Brit Brit, Teri Hatcher, Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta Jones, Dirk, Denise Richards- this list can go on and on, but I will stop here before I get ahead of myself.
I have never really been a fan of Star Jones, so when I heard that they were going to bring Rosie O'Donnell to the View to replace Meredith that brought a big smile to my face. It brought a smile to my face b/c I know that Star and Rosie do not get along so anything to see Star uncomfortable is okay by me. Now sure there are probably many of you that don't like Rosie, and we are all free to feel as we please but come on wouldn't you rather listen to loud mouth Rosie tell it like it is verses Star Jones Reynolds talk about her dorky husband, her sagging boobs and why she got a breast lift, her weight loss or her hair or how she thinks that her and P Diddy are best friends? I mean seriously, if I have to look at her face with those bug eyes one more time I am gonna puck, and not because of morning sickness. So hopefully Barbara Walters plan of bringing in Rosie to try and get Star out will work, since we all know Barbara not a big fan of Star either.
It is rumored that Star may be leaving and that she may be replaced by Oprah's BFF- Gayle King, I guess we will have to wait and see. So anyway although there really wasn't much of a point to anything that I wrote it is always fun to write about someone that we dislike and today that special someone is- Star Jones Reynolds! Below is an article about this from
Heavyweight Contenders: Forget White House press secretary Tony Snow calling President Bush an embarrassment. The real loose-cannon new hire is Rosie O'Donnell on The View. Not slated to join the coffee klatch show until September, O'Donnell is already sparring with Star Jones Reynolds. Star (um, no relation) reports that just last month, Rosie said, "Here's what annoys me about Star Jones. As a former fatty, she has an obligation to her tribe. And to write a book about how to be the perfect woman that she now is, and to leave out the gastric just like selling bulls--t." The mag says some are whispering that bringing Rosie on is part of a "concerted effort" to squeeze out Jones. View exec producer and top dog Barbara Walters tells the New York Times, "Rosie will be there. If Star wants to continue to be there, she is welcome. Star's part of the family and will be on The View as long as she wants to." A source on the show says, "The smart money has Star walking out in a fury." If Rosie's blunt comments don't rankle her cohost sufficiently, consider this big fat stat: O'Donnell's rumored to be getting twice Star's $1 million salary. Ouch
I have never really been a fan of Star Jones, so when I heard that they were going to bring Rosie O'Donnell to the View to replace Meredith that brought a big smile to my face. It brought a smile to my face b/c I know that Star and Rosie do not get along so anything to see Star uncomfortable is okay by me. Now sure there are probably many of you that don't like Rosie, and we are all free to feel as we please but come on wouldn't you rather listen to loud mouth Rosie tell it like it is verses Star Jones Reynolds talk about her dorky husband, her sagging boobs and why she got a breast lift, her weight loss or her hair or how she thinks that her and P Diddy are best friends? I mean seriously, if I have to look at her face with those bug eyes one more time I am gonna puck, and not because of morning sickness. So hopefully Barbara Walters plan of bringing in Rosie to try and get Star out will work, since we all know Barbara not a big fan of Star either.
It is rumored that Star may be leaving and that she may be replaced by Oprah's BFF- Gayle King, I guess we will have to wait and see. So anyway although there really wasn't much of a point to anything that I wrote it is always fun to write about someone that we dislike and today that special someone is- Star Jones Reynolds! Below is an article about this from
Heavyweight Contenders: Forget White House press secretary Tony Snow calling President Bush an embarrassment. The real loose-cannon new hire is Rosie O'Donnell on The View. Not slated to join the coffee klatch show until September, O'Donnell is already sparring with Star Jones Reynolds. Star (um, no relation) reports that just last month, Rosie said, "Here's what annoys me about Star Jones. As a former fatty, she has an obligation to her tribe. And to write a book about how to be the perfect woman that she now is, and to leave out the gastric just like selling bulls--t." The mag says some are whispering that bringing Rosie on is part of a "concerted effort" to squeeze out Jones. View exec producer and top dog Barbara Walters tells the New York Times, "Rosie will be there. If Star wants to continue to be there, she is welcome. Star's part of the family and will be on The View as long as she wants to." A source on the show says, "The smart money has Star walking out in a fury." If Rosie's blunt comments don't rankle her cohost sufficiently, consider this big fat stat: O'Donnell's rumored to be getting twice Star's $1 million salary. Ouch
Baby Post Update....
Hello, thought some of you out there, or at least the 3 of you that read my blog might want an update on the baby. Well, nothing yet. He is still hanging out on vacation in my uterus, it must be really nice living in there; free food and drink, a place to sleep, I often wonder if he is ever going to come out. My official due date is this Saturday but only 5% of women give birth on that actual date. They say that with the first birth, it usually comes after your due date. I know that some of you want me to hold out till the 23, 24, or the 25th b/c of your birthdays, so someone may just get their wish. Looks like he may be a Gemini afterall instead of a Taurus like his mom. Well, that's about it, if anything happens we will let you know. I go to the doctor again this Thursday so if I have any news to report you all will be hearing about it.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Bring Back the Short Shorts!
Okay, so living in Boston has been quite different than living in Texas. Up here in the Northeast they love their Red Sox baseball. If anyone saw the movie Feverpitch, that was an understatement, I mean they are crazy up here about the Red Sox. Even my husband has decided to join in on the band wagon, but he doesn't go crazy about it...yet. I've never been a big fan of baseball. To me watching a bunch of fatass guys in pants that are way to tight, swing a little wooden bat at a tiny ball just isn't fun to watch for 3 1/2 hours. Where's the excitement? About the most exciting thing that ever happens in baseball is when one of the players spits. So for those of you that love baseball, I do apologize, but seriously there are much better sports out there that are far more entertaining.
Take Texas, they love their football, especially high school football. At least in football there is a lot more going on, I too also enjoy a good game of football. And what about soccer? That is another great game to watch, unfortunately it just hasn't quite caught on here in America and that is another topic saved for another day. So where am I going with all this you may be asking yourself, well don't worry b/c I am asking myself the same question... Basketball, now there's a fun sport to watch! I really really enjoy watching basketball.
It's not too long, usually 2, 2 1/2 hours, and it is fast paced, not boring and there is always some sort of drama going on between some of the players. This playoff season I have really been following up on all the games and players; maybe my unborn son will be a basketball player, however with the amount of kicking that he does I feel that he is going to take after his grandfather Biancardi and my husband, Jason, and be a soccer player. Anyway, back to basketball....So as I was saying, this is a much more entertaining sport to watch verses baseball.
There are teams that I really like such as The Spurs, Go Ginobli, a fellow Argentinean! I also like the Heat: Shaq, Peyton, Wade, a good strong team, and I really like the Clippers with Sam Casell, former Rocket. Everyone in LA loves Kobe and the Lakers, but I like the Clippers, the under dog, and besides Kobe didn't take his team very far this year, guess since shaq left he can't do shit on his own. And of course there are teams that I really love to hate, I hate the Detroit Pistons (dirty players) and I hope Cleveland can beat them, although I doubt it. I also love to hate the NJ Nets!!!! I hate Jefferson, Jason Kidd and Vince Carter, so hopefully the Heat can put them away. So all in all not too many complaints about the game of basketball except for one tiny thing.
Does anybody remember back in the day when the players used to wear short shorts???? I liked it, I liked it when they showed a little leg, nothing wrong with that. These guys are so muscular, you never see a fatass basketball player, like you do in golf or baseball, these guys train hard to look the way that they do and I think they should show it off to their female fans. I mean we get to see their fabulous muscular arms with all their tats with the jerseys that they wear, but then their legs are covered up by these long baggy shorts, what's that all about? I want to see more leg as I am sure the ladies out there will agree. I want to see those long, lean muscular legs run across the court!!!!! So I think we should start a petition to the commissioner of the NBA and tell him to bring back the short shorts!!!!! We want short shorts!!!
Take Texas, they love their football, especially high school football. At least in football there is a lot more going on, I too also enjoy a good game of football. And what about soccer? That is another great game to watch, unfortunately it just hasn't quite caught on here in America and that is another topic saved for another day. So where am I going with all this you may be asking yourself, well don't worry b/c I am asking myself the same question... Basketball, now there's a fun sport to watch! I really really enjoy watching basketball.
It's not too long, usually 2, 2 1/2 hours, and it is fast paced, not boring and there is always some sort of drama going on between some of the players. This playoff season I have really been following up on all the games and players; maybe my unborn son will be a basketball player, however with the amount of kicking that he does I feel that he is going to take after his grandfather Biancardi and my husband, Jason, and be a soccer player. Anyway, back to basketball....So as I was saying, this is a much more entertaining sport to watch verses baseball.
There are teams that I really like such as The Spurs, Go Ginobli, a fellow Argentinean! I also like the Heat: Shaq, Peyton, Wade, a good strong team, and I really like the Clippers with Sam Casell, former Rocket. Everyone in LA loves Kobe and the Lakers, but I like the Clippers, the under dog, and besides Kobe didn't take his team very far this year, guess since shaq left he can't do shit on his own. And of course there are teams that I really love to hate, I hate the Detroit Pistons (dirty players) and I hope Cleveland can beat them, although I doubt it. I also love to hate the NJ Nets!!!! I hate Jefferson, Jason Kidd and Vince Carter, so hopefully the Heat can put them away. So all in all not too many complaints about the game of basketball except for one tiny thing.
Does anybody remember back in the day when the players used to wear short shorts???? I liked it, I liked it when they showed a little leg, nothing wrong with that. These guys are so muscular, you never see a fatass basketball player, like you do in golf or baseball, these guys train hard to look the way that they do and I think they should show it off to their female fans. I mean we get to see their fabulous muscular arms with all their tats with the jerseys that they wear, but then their legs are covered up by these long baggy shorts, what's that all about? I want to see more leg as I am sure the ladies out there will agree. I want to see those long, lean muscular legs run across the court!!!!! So I think we should start a petition to the commissioner of the NBA and tell him to bring back the short shorts!!!!! We want short shorts!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy 27th birthday to me!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Mama's Day
In honor of Mother's Day this weekend I thought it would be appropriate do to a little something in honor of mom. So first of all, happy mom's day mom and thanks for bringing me into the world. I can't wait to bring my little bugger into the world, but I am going to do it with a lot of help from the drugs, none of this natural stuff that was done 27 years ago. With that being said, I figured I would share with everyone a little wisdom that I learned from my mom.
10 Things I Learned From My Mom:
1. How to make the world's best meatloaf
2. How to appreciate a good burger
3. My love for expensive purses
4. When it was okay to wear white and when it wasn't
5. One can never have too many shoes
6. To always write a thank you note right away
7. Appreciate good music-classic rock
8. Black is always slimming
9. That James Dean and Audrey Hepburn are amazing
10. Spanx spanx spanx- a girl's best friend
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Baby Talk
Okay, so I told you that this blog site was mainly going to be used as updates and such so today I have an update on baby Post. I had a doctor appointment today and so far everything looks good with the little bugger. He has dropped into place and the doc felt the top of his head so it still continues to be a waiting game. It all depends on when he is ready to come out and meet us. I was hoping that he would be here this weekend for my birthday but I am beginning to think that it will be closer to his due date, the following weekend. So anyway, just a little update on how we are doing. Hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Oops, She Did It Again!!
So I am not one to judge, okay, who am I kidding, of course I am, but did anyone see Britney Spears on David Letterman last night? My god, she looked like a whale in a dress. There was arm fat, back fat, under arm fat, and boobs spilling out of her dress all over the place. I don't know about you, but who wants to see that shit, okay, well I am sure some of you want to see her big boobies hanging out, but not me. I can't believe her stylist let her go on TV looking like that. I understand that she just had a baby and that she is 4 months pregnant AGAIN, but come on, do you really want to go on national TV looking like a fat cow? Now I know there are people out there that are going to say shit like, she's pregnant and glowing, and one should embrace their body, bla bla bla. Well, they can all stuff it!! I am pregnant too, with less than 2 weeks to go and I can tell you I don't look like that. Everytime you see her she is stuffing her fat face with cheetos, cookies or a big mac and that's fine, more power to her, but seriously cover up that body! She needs to take a lesson from the more sophisticated pregnant crowd such as Gwyneth, Gwen, Katie, Brooke, Rachel and Angelina. You never see them spilling out of their clothes and they still manage to look sexy. So to all you pregnant women out there and women that plan on getting pregnant: please do us all a favor and cover that crap up if you have put on too much pregnancy weight, seriously no wants wants to see underarm fat-gross! Oh and another thing, didn't her mama teach her any manners!!! She was chomping away on her gum with her mouth wide open while she was talking and reading the top ten list. My god, what a sight! She is soo tacky! And if you are going to read the top ten list maybe you should rehearse first so you do not screw up and mispronounce half of the words! Oh Brit, we all feel for you, I mean look at your loser husband, K Fed, what an ass! But I guess if a skinny white boy, with tats all over his body and nasty corn rows in his hair is your thing, okay whatever, your choice, but I don't think he even wants to see your fat ass hanging out of your clothes; no wonder he is always in Vegas with his boys, with out you spending your $$$$! Anyway, I guess I have done enough Brit bashing for one day, but the moral here people- if you are preggers or just had a baby- please do everyone a favor and cover that shit up!
Below an article from E!
It's official: Britney Spears is going to have a baby, one more time.
After months of speculation about the size and shape of her abdomen, the pop star confirmed to David Letterman Tuesday that she is expecting her second child with her aspiring rapper husband, Kevin Federline.
Spears, who was in New York this week , made a surprise Late Show appearance to break the news.
"Don't worry Dave, it's not yours," she said.
Spears was accompanied by eight-month-old Sean Preston, whose September 2005 birth was notably memorialized by the sculpture Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston, one artist's interpretation of Spears expelling her firstborn into the world.
For those keeping track at home, Sean Preston's baby brother or sister will make the fourth child for Federline, who has two children from his previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson.
Spears is reportedly due in October, just a couple of weeks after Sean Preston's first birthday.
Below an article from E!
It's official: Britney Spears is going to have a baby, one more time.
After months of speculation about the size and shape of her abdomen, the pop star confirmed to David Letterman Tuesday that she is expecting her second child with her aspiring rapper husband, Kevin Federline.
Spears, who was in New York this week , made a surprise Late Show appearance to break the news.
"Don't worry Dave, it's not yours," she said.
Spears was accompanied by eight-month-old Sean Preston, whose September 2005 birth was notably memorialized by the sculpture Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston, one artist's interpretation of Spears expelling her firstborn into the world.
For those keeping track at home, Sean Preston's baby brother or sister will make the fourth child for Federline, who has two children from his previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson.
Spears is reportedly due in October, just a couple of weeks after Sean Preston's first birthday.
Doggy Style
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Is that a watermelon under your shirt???
TomKat and Relaxation
Okay, so today I checked my e-mail and since I am pregnant and about to pop any day now, I receive lots of e-mails about pregnancy and labor. Today I opened up an e-mail from the hospital that I will be delivering my bundle of joy at and they were talking about what I should do once I go into labor. They said that once you go into labor one should try and relax and go for a walk, take a nice hot shower or go see a movie. Go see a movie????? First of all, my last name is Biancardi, I come from a Latin background, we are spicy and have a temper and you want me to relax and go see a movie? Do you know who my father is? We Biancardi's don't just sit and relax, we exaggerate and get all worked up about nothing, so I can tell you that once labor hits I am not going to relax and take a hot shower and light lavender candles, no thank you, I am going to get all worked up about everything. I can also tell you I am not going to go sit through a 2 hour movie once labor begins. This past weekend my husband Jason and I decided to go see Mission Impossible 3 (his idea). I had to sit through 2 hours of Tom Cruise saving the planet yet once again. I must admit, and call me crazy if you want, that I did find the movie to be better than the rest of the Mission Installments, I must also admit and hate me if you want, but I love to watch that man run on the big screen. I loved to watch him run in The Firm and in this movie I got to watch him run all over China. Yep, I said it Tom gets me fired up when he runs across the big screen and really gets my blood pumping. Actually I can hardly call it a big screen b/c here in Boston, the theaters suck. I'm used to plush high back seats and stadium seating in the great state of Texas. Not here....All you get here for 9 dollars a person is a small screen with low chairs, no stadium seating whatsoever, and you expect me to sit and relax for 2 hours while in labor??? I don't think so. I could hardly sit still this weekend since the baby was moving around the whole time and you expect me to sit still while having contractions, yeah right! I'm from California and I love movies, don't get me wrong, you can thank my mom for this, she loves movies and it is because of her that I am a movie buff, but shit 9 dollars to sit in an uncomfortable chair while my uterus is contracting, no way. I can tell you once labor sets in, I will most likely be calling my husband up at work, yelling at him no doubt to get his ass home ASAP! Okay so where was I going with all this, I can't even remember what it was that I was starting to write about, oh yes, relaxing during labor- I think not and for those of you that can and have- great! All the more reason for me not to like you :) Until next time....
Monday, May 08, 2006
A little about us
Hi, and welcome to our blog. So, I never thought I would do something like this but here I am. My name is Ariele and my husband's name is Jason and we are about to have a baby! I am due May 20, 2006 one week after my 27th birthday. First let me catch you up on what has been going on with us.
We both went to Baylor University, in Waco, Texas then once I graduated we got married February 9, 2002 and have been living happily ever after since then. Once we got married we lived Dallas, Texas for about 3 years. While there we adopted a little dog, Bentley, the cutest dog in the world. Yes, he is the cutest dog in the world. While in Dallas my husband, Jason, worked for a private hedgefund company and I am a flight attendant for American Eagle, American airline's regional crop. Anyway, last April 2005, Jason took a job in Boston.
Yep, you read correctly we moved from Dallas to Boston and have been here for just over one year. Boston is nice, but I am still adjusting, and one day plan on moving back to Dallas. So while here in Boston, Jason works for another private hedgefund company and I still work as a flight attendant although, you can hardly say that I work since I always take time off, one of the great perks about my job.while enjoying my time off I got pregnant and here we are...Going to have a baby boy, Griffin Cooper Post. This webpage is basically for all our friends and family that are far away and want to know what is going on with us and want to see pics once the baby is born, I hope you all enjoy this spot and will visit often for updates. Please be kind and bear with me because I am new at this :)
We both went to Baylor University, in Waco, Texas then once I graduated we got married February 9, 2002 and have been living happily ever after since then. Once we got married we lived Dallas, Texas for about 3 years. While there we adopted a little dog, Bentley, the cutest dog in the world. Yes, he is the cutest dog in the world. While in Dallas my husband, Jason, worked for a private hedgefund company and I am a flight attendant for American Eagle, American airline's regional crop. Anyway, last April 2005, Jason took a job in Boston.
Yep, you read correctly we moved from Dallas to Boston and have been here for just over one year. Boston is nice, but I am still adjusting, and one day plan on moving back to Dallas. So while here in Boston, Jason works for another private hedgefund company and I still work as a flight attendant although, you can hardly say that I work since I always take time off, one of the great perks about my job.while enjoying my time off I got pregnant and here we are...Going to have a baby boy, Griffin Cooper Post. This webpage is basically for all our friends and family that are far away and want to know what is going on with us and want to see pics once the baby is born, I hope you all enjoy this spot and will visit often for updates. Please be kind and bear with me because I am new at this :)
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